Advantages of Agroforestry

advantages of agroforestry

Agroforestry can provide more economic support than the simple agricultural monocultures.

Agro forestry is a well renowned term. There are a lot of benefits of agroforestry. In fact agroforestry is practiced only for the benefits.

There are a lot of different forms of agroforestry. People do different practices according to their needs and the type of soil, environment and other such factors etc.

Sometimes it is adopted traditionally; like in villages of Pakistan. Where people do have a habit of raring animals along with managing their agri-fields.

Agroforestry is vastly applied almost everywhere.

We surely can say that it has a lot of usefulness. Here we will discuss some overall advantages of agroforestry for just to have a sketch in our mind.

  1. We can control runoff and soil erosion. In this way we can reduce a lot, the loss of water, organic matter and nutrients. We can say it is also very important economically because as our soil is safe from erosion we would be able to grow on it.
  2. Trees can maintain soil physical properties more than the other agriculture; through organic matter maintenance and their roots.
  3. Another important thing is that agroforestry practices keep the soil rich in organic matter. And then we are free to choose different methods to grow crops according to our needs.
  4. Soil acidity and salinity could be reclaimed by planting trees on the soil thus making our soil able to produce crops.
  5. It is also beneficial from environmental perspective as we know trees are very much important for reducing the dangers of global warming. They also have a lot other advantages like they reduce pollution and keep their surroundings pleasant.
  6. Tree biodiversity adds variety to the landscape and aesthetics improvement.
  7. Trees provide us with timber and fuel wood also. If managed on a large-scale, we can get a lot.
  8. Nitrogen fixing trees and shrubs can increase the fertility of soil by adding nitrogen inputs in the soil.
  9. The decomposition of tree leafs and other parts into the soil definitely increase the fertility of soil.
  10. They can lead to manage insect pest and other diseases.
  11. Trees also provide some forage for the animals.
  12. Agroforestry can provide economic stability to the farmers as it is a multi product system so there is a less chance of risk and economic loss.

Agro Forestry Systems in Pakistan

agro forestry, forestry pakistan

Basically Pakistan is an agricultural country. The economy of Pakistan is

based upon agriculture. Most of the land in Pakistan is being used for crop

production. Agro forestry is not adopted on scientific basis. Although now farmers

are realizing the importance of agro forestry but still we are far behind in this field

as compared to European countries. The need of hour is to establish the agro forestry

in Pakistan on scientific basis.

Below is the brief description of the present situation of agro forestry in Pakistan.

Different agro forestry systems are adopted throughout the Pakistan. Mostly trees

Are grown along the boundary line of the field. In some areas people have been

practicing compact planting also. Intercroping and row cropping systems can also

be seen in different regions. As a whole different practices are adopted in the country

mostly without any specific management but some are managed in a good manner.

We can differentiate agroforestry in these three terms also;


it is a combination of woody perennial plants along with the crops.


It is a combination of livestock with trees.


it is the combination of pasture land with trees having livestock grazed there along

with the crops also.


Different types of agroforestry and their adaptation in Pakistan

Farm Forestry

Farm forestry can be termed as the combination of crops, trees and livestock managed

In a proper way so as to fulfill the socioeconomic needs.

Farm forestry is practiced throughout the Pakistan. Farmers not only grow crops

but they also have some animals with them, along with they also grow trees in their

field. Slowly but effectively farmers are becoming aware of the importance of farm

forestry. Now a days we can see a lot of trees grown along the boundary walls of the

fields. In total we can say we have a good ratio of farm forestry in Pakistan.

Shelter Belts

It is also a practice of farm forestry. Trees are grown on one side of the field to

protect crops. This is practiced in those areas of Pakistan where fast wind blows.

Strong and tall trees are placed in the way of the wind so that the crops are protected

From wind breaks. Usually strong winds also blow in coastal areas of pakistan.

Linear strip plantation

in this type of forestry linear strips are planted along the boundary of farm. This

practice is also adapted vastly throughout the Pakistan for different purposes.

Compact plantation

When only trees are grown in the field, we call it as compact plantation. In

Khushab compact plantation of Eucalyptus cumuldulensis is practiced on a large-scale.

Community forestry

Community forestry is also present in different regions where tree plantation is

Managed on communal basis. Involvement of local people is direct for the production

Of trees and other products from trees.

Taungya system

This system is also present in some regions where trees and crops are grown together.

 crops and trees are grown untill the healthy coexistence of these two is disrupted by

the dense canopy of the trees.

Fire Wood

trees are also grown for the purpose of firewood everywhere in Pakistan.


Mixed cropping is also seen. Where trees are planted un arranged in the field along with

the crops.